Friday, January 11, 2008

Feeling screwed up at a screwed up time in a screwed up place does not necessarily make you screwed up.

So I was watching one of my favorite music related movies, "Pump Up The Volume" Starring Christian Slater and I remembered an article I read recently. The guy who is the FCC chairman right now Kevin Martin, was among other things, involved in the Florida recount and worked for Kenneth Starr during the Lewinsky trial, and his wife was a spokesperson for Cheney during the Plame outing stuff. Good Bush soldiers. Anyway, he was instrumental in pushing to get rule changes approved allowing ownership by the same corporation of a newspaper and a tv or radio station in the same market. Which just means more and more, all you will see, hear and read in most media publications and broadcasts are what very few want you to see, hear and read. To me, the biggest problem with our democracy is that Journalists don't do their jobs often enough to check the government when they are plainly manipulating us. Check the quote from Amy Goodman (and Thomas Jefferson)

There is a reason that journalism is the sole profession explicitly protected in the U.S. Constitution. As a check and balance on government, it is essential to the functioning of a democratic society. As Thomas Jefferson famously stated, “Were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers, or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter.”

Go here for an article by one of the best journalists around.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I loved Slater. He basically introduced me to Nicholson at a young age. It was like getting into Phish in high school and then discovering On the Corner and Hot Rats.

I recall viewing Chinatown for the first time on my buddies dads insistance. He had been busting our balls for liking some punk who was doing an okay imitation of the real thing.

Anyway, we are fucked that is why blogging has a place. Info on the quick and occasionally more trustworthy than the real thing.

PS Thanks for the APT love. I will introduce your site on ours very soon.

