Friday, January 18, 2008

Lord I feel like blowin’ my old lonesome horn....

I remember living in the city, feelin' the blues (these things seemed to go hand in hand often, nothing like being in one the most crowded places to make you feel singularly alone)and smoking a cigarette, something that also seems to go hand in hand with the city that never sleeps. I used to put on some of the saddest blues, and I would turn off the light in my 25Th floor apartment and stare out the window, watching the cars and the people buzzing around purposefully. I would play Thelonious Monk or Charlie Parker ballads, but more often than not, it was Billie. Lady Day didn't have the most beautiful voice, her style was very personal and she was a wreck in real life. Sometimes there is nothing like letting yourself feel really sad to kick the blues. That is part of the magic of the blues. You can listen to it when your happy and it makes you feel happy, and you can listen to it when your sad and it can make you happy. Or, when you need to wallow a bit in your sorrow, it is just the right thing. I've got two songs for you tonight. The pairing may be a bit obvious, but I am putting them on here because both selections move me deeply. Enjoy!


Fine and Mellow from the video The Sound of Jazz:

Amy Winehouse "Love is a Losing Game" (Acoustic)

Love Is A Losing Game



King Roomie Rock said...

That is a great band she has in this vid...Gerry Mulligan, king of the baritone sax...killed with the Miles and of the originators of 'cool'...

She is so remarkable...all understated...wonderful to hear and must have been so amazing to see live.

Great post, by the way.

Anonymous said...

Did you and Roomie make it to the Furnaces show? I want a full report.

Killer BH post. You don't have to be the best if you feel it more.

PS Check APT. Flick post from A/M Tard's hometown. Lisbon Falls. Believe it. Insert AC DC air guitar.
