Saturday, March 29, 2008


I have been meaning to post about this because it is so good. It is from the amazing website I was turned on to by the good chaps over at APT called La Blogotheque. When I first heard Yeasayer it was the song 2080 which is all electronic and totally different than what they do in this video. I thought 2080 was a cool song but after seeing this video I really like and respect these guys. This song is soulful and moving and the fact that they are singing in some french subway is very cool too. Here is the video I refer to:

and here is the song2080 by them.

*Also, La Blogotheque recently posted another great video from The Black Lips (who came out with one of my favorite albums of 2007) Check that out too, (but don't think this is the way the album sounds cause that is dirty garage rock).here.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice to see a few crusher posts from the legend. Thanks again for the research for MAu...those dudes are freaks. Did you watch that video? Mental. La Blg is unreal. They hosted the first live unofficial performance of Department of Eagles which until then had only been a studio thing. Check their izzle it is good.
